Seven Steps To Deliverance

1. Honesty

Be honest with yourself and with God if you expect to receive God’s blessing of deliverance. Any sin that is not confessed or repented of gives the evil spirits a “legal right” to stay.

2. Humility

You have to recognize that you are dependent upon God and His provisions and mercy for deliverance.

3. Repentance

Repentance is a determination by turning away from all sin and works of the devil. You must hate all evil in your life and fall out of agreement with it. Deliverance is not to be used merely to gain relief from problems, but in order to become more conformed to the likeness of Jesus by submitting to God’s will. Repentance requires open confession of all sin.

4. Renunciation

Renunciation is the forsaking of all evil. Renunciation is an action resulting from repentance. For example, if you repent of lust, you should destroy or delete all of your pornography.

5. Forgiveness

God freely and readily forgives all who confess their sins and ask for forgiveness through Jesus Christ (1 John 1:9). He expects us to forgive all others who have done wrong to us in any way (Matt. 6:14-15). In my observation, demons won’t leave the person being prayed for if the person is reluctant to forgive others.

6. Prayer

Ask God to deliver you and set you free in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. The scriptures read, “Whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered” (Joel 2:32).

7. Warfare

Prayer and warfare are two separate and distinct activities. Prayer is toward God and warfare is toward the enemy. Identify the spirits, address them directly by name in a commanding voice, and in faith command them to go in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Have a battle-like mindset with determination and assurance of victory. Remember, Jesus gives us the power to tread on serpents and scorpions (Luke 10:19).

If you have demonic issues, then feel free to contact me for prayer.

Source: Pigs in the Parlor by Frank Hammond

17 thoughts on “Seven Steps To Deliverance

    1. ROS

      I am tired of the demonic attacks! I can’t eat cause I get an unction not to and don’t know why! If I go ahead and eat because I’m hungry, at night demons attack me and keep me from sleeping! I am a born again Christian since 1997 and have been baptized in Jesus Christ name and came up speaking in tongues according to Acts 2:38.
      I plead the blood of Jesus, I hear “humble yourself, you’re wicked, deceived!” I’m tied of the punishment and it makes me wanna go back into the world! I was abused by my father as a child and I confronted and forgave him but to no relief! I am suicidal and need help. Everyone thinks I’m crazy and I know God is real and demons are Too! Help I can’t do this NO MORE! No more temporary deliverance! I want to be free! FREEEE! ( tears)


      1. jstanko1962gmailcom

        Suicide is never the answer my sister, once a person goes to hell, its over. Ros I’m going through the same thing, and Jesus will help us both through this. if you ever want to vent out or share something, my email is We are both overcomers.


    2. Andrew Valadez

      Ive been reading your articles for a while now but i just now made an account. Is there amy way i can get in contact with you by email or phone for prayer? Please get back to me as soon as you can thank you and god bless!


  1. Anonymous

    My husband is into Hinduism, “Christianity,” Tapping, Chakras, domestic violence / threats & many other such things…long story short, asking him to leave in a.m. (after 11 yrs). Very hard(do love him, will miss him) + hard b/c of COVID+ finances & little family. He came very close to physically harming me tonight; very hard for me as he is right, I am fear based & don’t want to be alone.


  2. Anonymous

    I’m catholic and a relatively new-born Christian. I have been also deceived by the enemy with these so called “Angel numbers” and new age practices. I prayed to God and asked him for forgiveness and I confessed my sins to other people as well (like family members and friends). I even confessed some to a priest, but I still don’t feel delivered. I also have OCD, so this makes it all a lot harder to deal with. I keep seeing these numbers and family members are keep getting sick, I don’t know what to do anymore.


    1. Anonymous

      Thank you, for the link. My whole family is catholic, we’re not that religious but we have a lot of Virgin Mary statues at home. Could we just put them away or do we have to destroy them? One of them belonged to my Dad who passed away two years ago. So I don’t know how I feel about destroying them. My OCD makes me feel guilty all the time. I feel better after praying, but the feeling doesn’t last very long. I also asked God to forgive me for cheating in University during a very stressful time, but I’m afraid he won’t forgive me until I give my degree back. I would never do it again, but I feel like I’m living in constant sin because of it, even though I wasn’t a true believer back then. If I only knew whether it’s God’s will or just my OCD trying to ruin my life. I prayed a lot for forgiveness during that time and heard a voice in my head saying “Why don’t you put your trust in your Heavenly Father”. Could it have been the Holy Ghost speaking to me? I got a feeling of calmness after that, but sure enough the fear, doubts and guilt came back. Now I feel like I ruined my relationship with God because I just couldn’t let go and trust. What should I do?


  3. Allan

    I need help I think I’ve got demons inside of me through smoking weed and other activities there making my heart race constantly I’m sweating all the time I can’t sleep I’ve got no motivation to do anything as I have no energy headaches all the time constant thoughts of suicide my family is worried sick I don’t know what else to do I can’t live like this please help me


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