The Terrible Consequences of Making a Blood Pact and the Only ONE Who Can Deliver

“Because you have said, ‘We have made a covenant with death, And with Sheol we are in agreement….’” – Isaiah 28:15

What is a blood pact? It’s basically making a deal with the evil one with one’s own blood. I’m sure there are many variations to do it, but a person can take a piece of paper, scratches his finger until it bleeds, and then signs himself over to the devil. Making such a covenant is nothing new. This goes back thousands of years. Isaiah speaks of those who made a covenant with Sheol (Isaiah 28,15). From that day on such people who have made the covenant become totally opposed to the church, studying the Bible, immersing himself in prayer, and to every kind of Godly influence. Such a person has likely opened up doorways for demonization.

Kurt Koch (1913-1987), who has had extensive experiences with counseling the occultly oppressed, gives some examples of people who have done such things who came to him for counseling:

“A young teacher came to me for counseling. He suffered from depression and suicidal thoughts, and asked me for advice and help. In the course of the conversation, the following facts came to light. In a fit of despair he had signed himself over to the devil in his own blood. He took the paper to a cave, went inside, placed it on a ledge of the rock and put a stone on top of it. Then he left in his desperation. He ran back and reentered the cave, intending to pick up the paper and destroy it. The paper was gone. There was no one in the cave who could have taken the paper. It could not have been blown away by a gust of wind, for he had put a stone on top of it. He now became very anxious, and his anxiety brought him to me for counseling.

A psychiatrist would say that he was an unstable character. But, in spite of his depression and his instability, he was telling the truth. It was his earnest desire to find the way to Jesus. It took considerable time before this teacher found inner peace. He made a general confession of sin, and was able, in faith, to accept the forgiveness of Christ. Then he did something I have never advised anyone who has made a blood pact to do. He scratched his finger again and with his blood wrote a statement declaring himself free from the devil. I repeat that I never advise anyone to do this, although I know there are some counselors who tell people to do so.

Blood pacts create a terrible block. People who have signed them find it extremely difficult to find the way of salvation…” (Occult ABC, p. 28).

“A woman belonged to a spiritist circle and had signed herself over to the devil in her own blood. She happened to go into a mission meeting. She was convicted by the Spirit of God and made a general confession in the course of being counseled afterward. She wanted to follow Jesus, come what may. From that moment onward, terrible struggles began. The satanic attacks reached their climax in a red tattoo which appeared on her breast one night. She showed this to her sister. It was in the shape of a horseshoe with an S in the middle. A prayer group began to intercede for this troubled woman. She was delivered” (Occult ABC, p. 28).

“A refugee girl who was without country, parents or livelihood drifted, in her emotional distress, into disreputable ways. During the night hours she earned herself a morsel of bitter food. One day she was caught in a police raid, and was committed to the Office of Health and Welfare, which established that she had an infectious skin-disease. She spent a few weeks in detention. In her cell an unusual idea struck her. She took a sheet of paper, cut her finger, and with her blood wrote a pact with the devil. The conditions of this pact were as follows. If the devil would advance her to a respectable life, she for her part would give him her soul. After this period of detention, she was sent to a protestant home for unfortunate girls. There she was treated kindly. But she was uncommunicative, unreceptive to all kindness, and completely resistant to God’s word. A small prayer group was formed to intercede for her. This was also without fruit. The girl seemed bound as with iron shackles” (Christian Counselling and Occultism, Pg. 153).

“A girl who had a leading position under the Third Reich fell into such despair with the collapse of Germany and the loss of her position, that in her distress she wrote a pact with the devil in her own blood. After this psychological disturbances set in. She had visual hallucinations, seeing all the streets, houses and trees filled with spirits, suffered from attacks of mania, and had spook apparitions of many kinds. In her powers of reason she remained fully normal. Her reports were deliberate and objective. Hysteria was certainly not present. Her troubles drove her to a neurologist. He received the impression that this was more of a case for pastoral help, and after his treatment had proved ineffectual, he referred her to the pastor. Up to the present the young lady has not been relieved (Christian Counselling and Occultism, p. 153).

The following is an example of making a covenant with the devil not with blood but simply by just signing his name underneath a picture of lucifer:

“At a youth conference a 17-year old lad came to an evangelistic meeting with a New Testament in his left pocket and, bound in similar format, the 6th. and 7th Book of Moses [an occult book] in his right. My assistant at this meeting took the 6th. and 7th. Book of Moses from him. We looked through the magic book and found that the lad had bound himself to the devil by putting his signature underneath a picture of a Lucifer. We then burned the book. The parents, who did not know that the lad this magic book, made a typical answer to our inquiry. They said that the lad suffered from strange fits of mania, and possessed in general a strange, dark, restless, character. They simply could not make him out” (Christian Counseling and Occultism, p. 155)

Dr. Lechler said the following concerning demonism:

“What then must we regard as the cause of demonic enslavement and of possession? If we enquire closely from such people as bear the marks we have just mentioned, we very often find in their background the use of magic means such as are employed in black magic, viz. Acts of charming or being charmed, the sin of fortune telling or visits to fortune tellers and card layers, and participation in spiritist sessions. Black magic is much more prevalent than is ordinarily assumed… When we look into the Bible, we note that it too is well acquainted with enchantment. It is in Acts 19 described as a ‘prying art’ (here we also find mention of magic books). Together with spiritist activities, magic stands in a class of its own in relation to other sins, when it includes an appeal to Satan’s services or even a formal pact with Satan. The bible speaks of this too (cf. Isaiah 28, 15-18). For by invoking Satan man yields himself unequivocally to powers of darkness, in that he attempts by magic and the help of Satanic power to gain something that God has forbidden or withheld.” (quoted in Kurt Koch’s Christian Counselling and Occultism, pg. 156)

Those who are shackled to sins of magic or a blood pact cannot find release without a thorough confession, a conscious renunciation of the devil, and turning to the Lord and God Jesus Christ.

You may want to check out Freedom From Occult/New Age Bondage for more information.

If you have made any such pact with the evil one and need prayer with deliverance, then feel free to contact me.

If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you can receive Him into your heart, and He can deliver you from darkness and sin and have your name written in His Book of Life.

If you are sincere, you can say this simple prayer to the Father (it doesn’t have to be word for word):

“God, I recognize that I have not lived my life for You up until now. I have been living for myself and that is wrong. Please forgive me of all of my sins just as I forgive others. I need You in my life; I want You in my life. I acknowledge the completed work of Your only begotten Son Jesus Christ in giving His life for me on the cross, I believe in my heart Jesus is Lord and was raised from the dead and I long to receive the forgiveness you have made freely available to me through this sacrifice. Come into my life now, Lord. Take up residence in my heart and be my king, my Lord, and my Savior. From this day forward, I will no longer be controlled by sin, or the desire to please myself, but I will follow You all the days of my life. Those days are in Your hands. I ask this in the Lord and GOD Jesus’ precious and holy name. Amen.”

11 thoughts on “The Terrible Consequences of Making a Blood Pact and the Only ONE Who Can Deliver

    1. Satan's sluty wife

      I made a pact with Satan and I love it. He fills me with some much lust and sexual desires I want to be with every man and woman I want Satan’s child.


  1. Satan's sluty wife

    I made a pact with Satan and I love it. He fills me with some much lust and sexual desires I want to be with every man and woman I want Satan’s child.


  2. Satan's sluty wife

    I made a pact with Satan and I love it. He fills me with some much lust and sexual desires I want to be with every man and woman I want Satan’s child.


  3. I have made a blood pact with Satan and his demons and it feels so good. I would recommend that everyone make a pact with Satan. The most important thing to do is believe in god, the holy spirit and jesus. Then willing with much thought blasphemy the holy spirit, do this often and with malice. Make god feel your hatred and demand that he leaves your body and and soul.


  4. shulamith1216

    Thank you brother Jamaal for the article. I came across Isaiah 28:15 and thought there may be more to dig in and so I came to your website.

    Now I understand why these “scoffers” (Isaiah 28:14) were so confident, because they were binding themselves to the devil by deliberatly trusting in lies and falsehood. They were confident and prideful because indeed no one could nullify their evil agreement and thus cancel the demonic power (which they used to do whatever they wanted), except the “precious cornerstone” (28:16), namely Jesus who have the keys of Death and Hades (Revelation 1:18) and will judge the living and the dead (2 Timothy 4:1). He will swallow up death forever since He has nullified the power of sin by fulfilling the law (1 Corinthians 15:54-57), paying what we owe to God regarding to the law on the cross with His own blood (Colossians 2:14). And by swallowing up death forever, those who have made a covenant with death and Sheol will not stand, since the two will be eliminated and so the covenant will consequently terminate. And those who made the covenant, like all mankind, will face the judgement of God.

    This is my own studying note, and I’m putting it here for more insight or correction. And I hope it will be helpful to those who read it too.

    Thank you again for this precious website. The Lord bless you.

    Liked by 1 person

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