Sleep Paralysis: Demonic Attack or Biological Quirk?

"You may have experienced it at least once, or know someone who has. You wake up suddenly, can't move, and you feel an evil presence or see an evil shadow figure. It's called sleep paralysis, and it's a worldwide phenomenon. In the U.S., the phenomenon is known as a hag or 'witch riding.' Scientists try …

Continue reading Sleep Paralysis: Demonic Attack or Biological Quirk?

My Experiences With Sleep Paralysis Demonic Attacks And The Spiritual War We Are All In

What is Sleep Paralysis? Many of you reading this probably have experienced it at least once in your lifetime or know someone who has experienced it. You wake up suddenly from sleep and you try to move but are unable to no matter how much you exert yourself. You may manage to slightly move your …

Continue reading My Experiences With Sleep Paralysis Demonic Attacks And The Spiritual War We Are All In